Snail noodle Soup (Bún Ốc) is a fairly Best Vietnamese Food that can be found everywhere in Vietnam and seems rather simple to cook. However, it is not at all easy to serve the best Snail noodle that makes all diners toothsome and want to try again. This dish should actually be prepared by skilled cooks who know very well how to create a harmonious combination of many spices. A delicious hot bowl of snail noodle eaten on a cold day may well be considered the quintessence of Hanoi cuisine.

This Best Vietnamese Food is made up of 2 basic ingredients, rice noodle and snails. Hanoi has 2 areas that are famous for making delicious noodle, namely Phu Do and Tu Ky. These 2 villages roll out the noodle that is deliciously white, smooth and flexible. Hanoi is also famous for 2 areas that offer the best snail noodle, namely Tay Ho and some villages in Thanh Tri district such as Yen Duyen, Tran Phu and Phap Van…Actually, it is not that simple to cook Snail noodle as it seems. All the ingredients have to be selected and prepared very carefully, and this will dictate the success of the cooking.

The snails must be fat enough, medium sized and yellow if we look at the shell. To prepare the best snails, one should not cook them immediately after they are bought. Rather, they should be soaked in the water derived from rice washing for 1-2 days so that the moss and mud in their stomach is released, making them clean to eat. Some even put in that water a couple of eggs to further feed the snails in order to get a better quality ingredient for the cooking.
Hanoi people have 2 different ways to eat this Best Vietnamese Food: hot and cool (or cold). For hot Snail noodle, the diner will feel quite hot on his tongue and the flavor of all the spices and vegetables. For cool serving, it tastes very much the same except for the heat, and is not at all fishy thanks to the chili and the aroma of wine vinegar. Generally, hot snail noodle is more popular than its cool brother, since one can have hot snail noodle throughout the year as it is simple to cook and easy to eat.
Be careful when eating this Best Vietnamese Food because you cannot stop thinking about it one second of life. Hope you will have an amazing trip in our beautiful country.
Good Luck to you.From EZ Vietnamese Cuisine Team.