Do you wonder how to get in Vietnam? Do you have a plan getting to Vietnam by roads? Vietnam has just notched itself higher up on the tourism ladder and is attracting visitors by the hordes. Vietnam has recently opened itself to the world outside and getting to Vietnam isn’t now akin to a tiresome journey that makes you wish you hadn’t started on it in the first place.

There are many ways to help you explore how to get in Vietnam.
You can reach Vietnam and get to Vietnam by roads is one of those. You can travel to Vietnam by road from China, Laos, and Cambodia. There are road crossings between these countries and Vietnam and the roads will take you past scenic locales so that you also get to have an enjoyable journey.
# Road Transport To Vietnam from Laos
You can take the road at Lao Bao in the Quan Tri province, lying about 160 kilometers to the northwest of Hue, Vietnam. This road links Savannakhet to the central part of Vietnam. If you are contemplating getting to Vietnam by road, you can also consider the road that passes through Cau Treo in the Ha Tinh province. Bus services are frequent on these routes as there are many bus service operators covering these areas.

# Getting To Vietnam By Roads from Cambodia
Road transport to Vietnam from Cambodia is pretty easy. You can take the road that passes through Chau Doc, lying about 245 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (there are buses that will take you to Chau Doc from Ho Chin Minh City) or you have another choice with the road that connects Phnom Penh (Cambodia) to Ho Chi Minh City and passes through Moc Bai in the Tay Ninh province, situated 80 kilometers from Ho Chin Minh City.
There are many bus services operators with direct buses between Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh City. These buses start early in the morning from each terminus.

# Road Transport to Vietnam from China
From China, there are regular bus services to Vietnam and the bus services herein take either of the three road crossings at Ha Khau (in Lao Cai province), Dong Dang (in Lang Son province) and Mong Cai (in Quang Ninh province). Getting to Vietnam by road from China isn’t much of a problem.

In addition, we hope can help you understand how to get in Vietnam in some ways. Getting to Vietnam by roads has become conducive as the days have passed, making it all the more lucrative for the tourists. If you want to discover deeply Vietnamese Culture, we suggest you should choose this way. However, it requires you have a good health to make this trip. Good luck and wish you have an amazing trip with your friends and family.