Fried Rice with Shrimp and Salty Egg (Cơm Chiên Tôm Trứng Muối) is one of my Easy Vietnamese Recipes which I want to share to you guys. It is not only delicious, but also really is eye-catching with many colors on the bowl.

When you get bored with family meals, and you want to try to change for your beloved people, I suggest one of the amazing and Easy Vietnamese Recipes like this. Tik Tok Tik Tok, one minute and your meal will fly away before you see it. Let us start cooking right now.
Fried Rice with Shrimp and Salty Egg (Cơm Chiên Tôm Trứng Muối)
Print RecipeIngredients
- 4 bowls of rice
- 2 salty eggs
- 150 shrimps
- Spring onion, garlic, fish sauce, chili, pepper.
Step 1:
Peel off the cover of shrimp, slice small and marinate with a little pepper and salt.

Step 2:
Peel off the cover of salty eggs, mash well.
Step 3:
Clean and slice small spring onion. Heat the oil and fry minced garlic until it is fragrant. Add more sliced shrimp in step 1 into the pan and fry quickly in 1 – 2 minutes. Pour into bowl.

Step 4:
Then, use that pan gain, heat more oil and add more smashed salty eggs with rice into the pan, fry well and gently.

Step 5:
When rice is dried, pour fried shrimp and mix gently. Season with pepper, fish sauce or salt.

Finally, to increase its flavor, you can add more sliced spring onion and sliced chili on top. You should eat when it is still hot. Hope you will satisfy with one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes like this. Good luck with your cooking and have a good appetite.