Getting to Vietnam by Trains is so amazing if you are in Asia, especially China, Laos, Campuchia. There was once a time when Vietnam didn’t even feature in the globe trotter’s list of places to visit. After that came a time when Vietnam got noticed as a holiday destination but a proper knowledge about the ways and means of reaching the country was still scanty.
Now with Vietnam opening itself to the outside world, the transportation services to the country have vastly improved and you have a number of ways and means of reaching the place.

It is actually a very pleasant way of reaching a country known for its scenic natural beauty actually when you decide to get to Vietnam by trains. Travel by Trains to Vietnam isn’t much of a hassle with the choice you have in your kitty. If you want to travel to Vietnam by train, you have the rail routes between China and Vietnam. There are two rail route connections between these two countries, twice a week, one from Beijing to Hanoi, Vietnam, via Nanning and Lang Son and another from Kunming to Hanoi and passing through Lao Cai.

The Beijing-Hanoi rail route is a comfortable rail journey aboard a Chinese express train with 4-berth soft class sleepers and pantry cars up till Dong Dang on the Vietnamese border. From there the rest of your train journey will on a Vietnamese meter-gauge train.

Moreover, when you live in Europe and want to travel to Vietnam by trains, it is still working. If the romance of train journeys has gotten to you and you have ample time on your hands, you can travel almost the whole of Europe to reach Vietnam by train. Getting to Vietnam by trains couldn’t have taken a more pleasant turn. Consider the London-Hanoi route, but you will have to change trains along the way. A mesmerizing train journey is however guaranteed. You start your journey with a train ride from London to Moscow and then take the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway past stunning scenery to reach Beijing and from there continue on to Hanoi. All these will take two weeks.

Getting to Vietnam by trains is easy now. You just need to get a hang of the various train services that are on offer. If you have a plan to discover Vietnam by Trains, start from now. In addtion, you can make a tour by trains around Vietnam as well. We suggest you should go to the Travel Tourist Companies, which put almost in District 1 and 3 to book the train tickets. Hope you will have an amzaing trip by trains to our beautiful country.